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Showing posts from September, 2021

The RadCity 5 Plus is a big update to a massively popular ebike

Rad Power Bikes‘ RadCity is one of the best-selling ebikes in the US. The bike series has traditionally offered a solid balance of power, features, and affordability, and it recently received arguably its biggest update ever. We got the chance to go hands-on with the RadCity 5 Plus, which looks like a  compelling entry into the reasonably-priced ebike market at a price of $1,799. The changes this time around aren’t totally surprising — they largely reflect the same changes given to the RadRover 6 Plus, which received its own redesign in July. The bike comes with what I think most… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

And the winner of this year’s Tech5 scaleup competition is…

The results are in. The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived. Just moments ago Adyen’s VP of Brand, Charles Gilbert, took to the stage at TNW 2021 to announce this year’s winner of the Tech5 competition. And it is… The UK based virtual events platform reached an unprecedented growth explosion. Founded in June 2019, at the time Hopin was a humble operation of six people. Just two years later, it’s already become one of Europe’s most coveted tech unicorns, valued at $7.75 billion. It’s now a global operation of 260 employees.  “Going from just an idea to a product… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Snap thinks AR will become the new norm in online shopping

TNW Conference 2021 is live! You can check out the schedule here. Augmented reality effects and filters are fun to use on apps like Instagram and Snapchat. However, now many brands like Gucci and Nike have been using AR to promote new products. Speaking at the TNW 2021 conference, Jacqueline Rutgers, Head of Marketing, Northern Europe – Snap Inc., said that more than 200 million users engaging with AR every day. Plus, 94% of shoppers who’ve used any AR features, will be happy to do it again. She believes AR would be a norm amongst brands: Leading brands are already leaning… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

This complete guitar master class bundle will teach you to six-string like a pro, all for under $20

TLDR: Across 12 courses, The 2022 Curious Guitarist Master Class Bundle can turn you into a guitar player who really knows their stuff, all for under $20. When Keith Urban was a youngster, he learned to play guitar by slowing down records like Dire Straits’ Sultans of Swing with his fingers, figuring out songs note by note until he knew how to play them perfectly. While that approach paid off for Urban, it definitely is the painstaking path to guitar mastery. Nobody said learning to play the six string like a country star would be easy, but it certainly doesn’t… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Python. Cybersecurity. System management. It’s all part of this foundational $20 IT training collection

TLDR: The All-in-One Microsoft, Cybersecurity and Python Exam Prep Training Bundle gets new IT-minded professionals up to speed on basic programming, security, and more. Just getting started down the path of learning programming and how basic information technology works can be intimidating enough. But when you really step back and realize how much an IT professional needs to know just to do their job the right way, it takes intimidating to a whole new level. Rather than freaking out about everything you don’t know, you can start methodically working your way to knowledgeable about things you’ll absolutely need to know… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Why Ford thinks human-centric design is the future

Connectivity, automation, electrification, and AI — these profound waves of change are all converging upon mobility right now. So, it’s only reasonable to wonder how legacy automakers will be able to transform as well, in order to meet the new needs of travelers. Speaking at the TNW2021 Conference, Usha Raghavachari, Innovation Lab Director at D-Ford, described how her team can bring a 118-year old brand into the future.  D-Ford is a design startup within Motor Company, whose mission is to help the company learn and adopt new tools to create “what’s next.” As Raghavachari explained, D-Ford is focusing on a… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Instagram now lets you add Messenger contacts to groups

Facebook began merging Messenger and Instagram DMs last year. The company said today that more than 70% of Instagram users have opted into this experience. The company also launched the ability to create cross-app groups on both apps today. This means you can create a group on Instagram DMs with your Messenger contacts, and vice versa. There will also be group typing indicators to show you who’s tying the next message. This makes it easier to include some folks who might not be using one of the platforms. Group Typing Indicator in Instagram DM Facebook is also introducing polls in… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Instagram from The Next Web

How Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum uses AI to unlock new artistic mysteries

TNW Conference 2021 is live! You can check out the schedule here. Many museums across the world are using AI to identify fake paintings or to measure the quality of the art on exhibition. Speaking at the TNW Conference, Robert G. Erdmann — Senior Scientist and Full Professor at the Rijksmuseum and University of Amsterdam — gave examples of how the museum is using AI to unlock new artistic mysteries. To create a five-minute video of Lidded ewer, an art piece made by Adam van Vianen, the museum photographer took 1,000 images of the object. However, if you want to play… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Join the live stream of the TNW Conference main stage!

TNW Conference 2021 has finally kicked off! We are so excited to share what we have prepared – if you do not have a ticket yet, you can enjoy a little taste of the main stage below. Eager to explore more stages, network with other attendees and have the opportunity to watch the talks you missed? Get your hands on the digital ticket now. This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Google’s new AI wants to supercharge contextualized search results

Google announced a new AI model for multimodal search called MUM (Multitask Unified Model) at its developer conference Google IO in May. Last night, the firm announced a bunch of consumer-facing features, including visual search, that’ll be coming to your screen in the coming months.  The Big G currently serves contextual information such as Wikipedia snippets, lyrics, or recipe videos to you based on your search phrase. Now, for the next step of the search, it aims to get you results by understanding context beyond just the phrase you’ve used. The first feature announced last night is visual search. When… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Google from The Next Web

How AMD made its big GPU launches happen during the pandemic

It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally changed the way many businesses function, from the small mom-and-pop shop to worldwide operations. Speaking of the latter, I had the chance to chat with Rick Bergman, AMD’s Executive Vice President of Computing and Graphics, to discuss how the company was able to plan and launch some of its biggest products during a period of unprecedented uncertainty. AMD has been going through something of a renaissance the last few years. It was just in 2015 that analysts predicted the company would go bankrupt. Now the company’s CPUs have gone from being occasional… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Researcher banned from Facebook beseeches Congress to regulate social media

Did you know Neural is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of AI during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! An NYU researcher who was shut out of Facebook has taken her fight for transparency to the US Congress. During Congressional testimony on Tuesday, Laura Edelson, who investigates online ads and misinformation, called for new data requirements and legal protections for researchers. “We hope that Congress will push for laws that require platforms to be a lot more transparent, and protect researchers engaged in… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Facebook from The Next Web

Amazon tells Tesla to hold its beer in contest for stupidest-robot-ever-built

Amazon held a hardware event yesterday to announce an all-new lineup of data-capturing-tools it intends to market as robot assistants and security devices. Interestingly, the general public seems to be enjoying the idea. Where Tesla was almost universally mocked for its silly robot announcement stunt, Amazon’s latest reveals have been met with a lot of positivity. Apparently, people are really into the idea of letting a giant megacorporation fill their home with surveillance equipment. But there’s more to worry about when it comes to in-home surveillance robots than just privacy. If you can stomach it, here’s a pandering video of… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Amazon from The Next Web

Polestar’s SPAC brings its value to a mammoth $20 billion

Swedish electric car maker Polestaris the latest company planning a deal to go public through a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). A deal with Gores Guggenheim Inc will raise a whopping $20 billion. As a result, Polestar gains three times its projected revenues for 2023. Some history and context. Polestar is jointly owned by Volvo Cars and Chinese auto company Geely. Following the success of the Polestar 1 and 2 EVs, the company raised in April $550 million in external funding and plans to build the Polestar 3 SUV at Volvo’s U.S. plant,  in the second half of 2022. The also company plans to launch… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Rolls-Royce announces its first EV and I’M CRYING TEARS OF JOY

Did you know SHIFT is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of mobility during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! Yes, folks, it’s true. On Wednesday, Rolls-Royce announced that it’s finally bringing its luxury cars into the electric future. The very first EV from the historic brand is about to begin extensive on-road testing. “We will cover 2.5 million kilometers – a simulation of more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce, on average – and we will travel to all four corners of the… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

How ‘human rights by design’ can save us from AI misuse

Events over the past few years have revealed several human rights violations associated with increasing advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Algorithms created to regulate speech online have censored speech ranging from religious content to sexual diversity. AI systems created to monitor illegal activities have been used to track and target human rights defenders. And algorithms have discriminated against Black people when they have been used to detect cancers or assess the flight risk of people accused of crimes. The list goes on. As researchers studying the intersection between AI and social justice, we’ve been examining solutions developed to tackle AI’s… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

QR codes could be the next target for cybercriminals — here’s how to protect yourself

Anna Chung is the Principal cybersecurity researcher at Palo Alto Networks. Join her at TNW 2021 for a fascinating talk on ‘Cybercriminal minds.’ QR codes are being used as a key tool for reducing touchpoints and contact tracing throughout the pandemic, enabling convenient and contactless data sharing. They are not inherently unsafe, but they could be open to exploitation by cyber attackers. Quick response (QR) codes can be thought of in a similar way to URL shortening services – they provide instant access to information such as websites and contact information. They can also allow users to login into a… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Beethoven never finished his 10th Symphony. Computer scientists just did

When Ludwig von Beethoven died in 1827, he was three years removed from the completion of his Ninth Symphony, a work heralded by many as his magnum opus. He had started work on his 10th Symphony but, due to deteriorating health, wasn’t able to make much headway: All he left behind were some musical sketches. Ever since then, Beethoven fans and musicologists have puzzled and lamented over what could have been. His notes teased at some magnificent reward, albeit one that seemed forever out of reach. Now, thanks to the work of a team of music historians, musicologists, composers, and… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Degoo is offering 15TBs of premium cloud storage space for life — and it’s under $90

TLDR: With this deal, you can land 15TBs of Degoo Premium cloud storage space for life for less than $90. When users are on the hunt for a quality cloud storage option, they can browse through the assorted features of any given service to check out its bells and whistles; or kick the tires on specific issues like file security, transfer speeds, and mobile access. All those points certainly matter, but if you really ask most cloud storage buyers to boil down their decision making process, it comes down to getting the most space in the cloud available at the… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

With XSplit VCam Premium, instantly improve the background in any videos and make it look seamless

TLDR: XSplit VCam Premium gives users ultimate and easy control over the backgrounds of all their video conferencing, vlogging, or live streaming videos. Just a few short years ago, who would have ever thought they’d care about video backgrounds? But now, with video meetings and conferencing a daily part of many of our lives, you actually have to pay attention to your surroundings, the environment happening in your video communications, and, most importantly, what it says about you. XSplit V Cam instantly adds an extra dash of professionalism to virtually all of your live video sessions, offering custom background options… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

What are DAOs and how do they work?

The emergence of DAOs has brought forth a powerful mechanism to manage blockchain protocols and presents a novel opportunity for individuals to get directly involved with a passion project on many different levels. Individuals now have the opportunity to be a part of a community that collectively operates a protocol of interest as well as the chance to get paid for meaningful contributions that push the project forward. So let’s dive into what exactly DAOs are, how they work, and why I believe they are the perfect way for newcomers to join the space. Credit: My path into Web3… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

The most in-demand programming languages of 2021 

The battle for the best programming language is raging. But who will make it out on top? Just kidding, they’re all great, but we did check our database of job postings from over 6,000 tech companies across the globe to see which languages were most in-demand from employers.  So, whether you’re a seasoned programmer with years of experience and a few languages under your belt, or you’re just starting out and trying to decide where to start, here are the top programming languages of 2021 (so far): JavaScript According to Jobbio data, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

How stop your Apple Watch stupidly announcing exercise details

Something horrible keeps happening: I upgraded to watchOS 8 and now a computer shouts at me while I’m working out. I’ll be running or doing yoga and, out of nowhere, a disembodied voice will tell me how far I’ve gone or that I’ve closed my exercise ring. It’s haunting. Look, there’s nothing wrong this new feature per se — it’s just not for me. Voice Feedback (which is what it’s called) just takes me out the zone while I’m exercising. I much preferred it when you just got a little ‘ding’ notification that you could either ignore or check out.… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Apple from The Next Web

You need to start planning for immortality in the metaverse

There is a new culture arising between (wo)man and machine. The digital afterlife — avatars we created throughout the years, photos and accounts we accumulated, contacts and messages we exchanged — is challenging our assumptions about life and death. The new frontiers we try to establish between the real and the virtual, between past memory, current experience, and futuristic vision are blurry. Who owns all the data we leave behind? How will we be remembered in this modern-day collective consciousness? Do we need a digital will? And how does this impact the grieving process of those we leave behind? We… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Developers hate WordPress — and so should marketers

WordPress is hands down the most popular CMS out there. Since it started in 2003, it’s accumulated a market share of 39% of websites on the internet. BBC America, the Washington Post, Walt Disney World, the government of Sweden, and, hell, even your favorite news source (TNW by the way) all use WordPress to build their websites.  But, while the CMS system is powering the websites of so many businesses across the globe, the truth is, a majority of developers actually hate it. In Stack Overflow’s annual Developer Survey, WordPress was voted the most dreaded platform to work with, in… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: WordPress from The Next Web

Amazon’s new fitness offerings aim to rival Apple and Fitbit

Amazon’s Astro robot was certainly the most eye-catching announcement of the last night. However, the ecommerce giant also launched a new version of its Halo fitness band, along with health-related services, including workout and nutrition guidance. The new $80 Halo View has an AMOLED screen to display time, notifications, and fitness stats. While that’s the biggest upgrade from last year’s screen-less Halo band, Amazon has also dropped the always listening mic. This means you can’t use the weird-as-hell emotion detecting feature directly from the band, but it still lives in the app. The company says the new band has a… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Amazon from The Next Web

Amazon Astro could be the first mainstream robot assistant

Ever since Amazon introduced Alexa to the world and invested heavily in its personal assistant AI, it seemed we all knew where the company was eventually heading: personal robots. That moment has finally arrived. The company today announced Astro, its oft-rumored home robot. Although it’s pricey at an initial cost of $999.99, it has the potential of being the first real mainstream home assistant robot (as opposed to, say, a robot vacuum). Astro has a bit of a unique design, with two big wheels and a moving monitor that served as a ‘head.’ I’m not gonna lie, it’s kind of… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Amazon from The Next Web

Researchers use AI to determine which animal diseases will infect humans next

Did you know Neural is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of AI during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! A team of researchers from the University of Glasgow in the UK have created an AI-powered system for identifying which diseases will make the leap from the animal kingdom to causing human infections. This could go a long way towards preparing us for the next pandemic. COVID-19 and dozens of other viruses that affect humans have been traced back to animal diseases. Such illnesses are called… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

AI study suggests a London gallery’s been exhibiting a fake for years

Did you know Neural is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of AI during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! Samson and Delilah is among the most famous works by Peter Paul Rubens, one of the most influential artists of the 17th century. The painting depicts an Old Testament story in which the warrior Samson is betrayed by his lover Delilah. When London’s National Gallery bought the masterpiece in 1980, it became the third most expensive artwork ever purchased at auction. But the buyers… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Twitter’s down for many users, who are reporting error messages

Twitter has gone down today for many users, who are reporting issues logging into the service’s website. The Downdetector website said it’s been receiving reports of problems since 11:49AM EDT. Users have reported seeing error messages suggesting that they refresh the page, but the recommendation seems to have had little effect. The issues logged by Downdetector appear pretty evenly split between the website and log-in. The Twitter app, however, appears to be working as normal. User reports indicate Twitter is having problems since 11:49 AM EDT. RT if you're also having problems #Twitterdown — Downdetector (@downdetector) September 28, 2021… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Twitter from The Next Web

Big surprise: Drivers love their EVs and prefer charging to fueling up

Did you know SHIFT is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of mobility during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! This year, the NewMotion EV Driver Survey questioned over 10,000 respondents from five key European markets (Germany, the Netherlands, France, UK, and Belgium) to identify fresh insights into the electric vehicle driving and charging experience. So, what do EV drivers think about going green? What are their charging patterns? And which kind of improvements would they like to see? Let’s take a look at six things… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Train with uTalk to learn foreign languages — and hear every nuance with these xFyro noise-cancelling earbuds

TLDR: The Lifetime Language Learning Bundle ft. uTalk and xFyro lets you learn two new languages, all while hearing it in crystal clarity. Sometimes, it’s best to just try and erase every possible reason for procrastinating or not moving forward on a project all in one fell swoop. Like saying to yourself that the reason you haven’t started learning Italian yet is because those headphones you’ve got are really crummy and make listening to online classes difficult.  Well, you just lost that excuse with this Lifetime Language Learning Bundle ft. uTalk and xFyro ($49.99, 85 percent off from TNW Deals).… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Dropbox, uh, drops new screen and video capture tool

Since the pandemic started, all software companies have been launching collaborative tools to help remote teams. Dropbox is announcing a few such features today, including a video/screen capture, video collaborations, and a tool for adding digital creations to shopping listings. Dropbox‘s new screen and video capture tool is simply called Capture, and it’s launching today in beta. It lets you record your screen, and even provide video commentary with it, so you can easily explain concepts and ideas to your teammates. The new tool lets you also capture GIFs, audio recordings, and just you on the camera. The company’s idea behind… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Dropbox from The Next Web

Your code is sloppy (unless you’re a computer scientist)

Why does every developer think they are writing perfectly understandable code? Why is that same developer unable to decipher someone else’s code, lest maintain it? Because they’re all writing sloppy code that works. That is, code that works now but that is not very expandable or versatile due to its messiness. Except for Computer Scientists — they write beautiful code that doesn’t work. Reason 1: For Computer Scientists, coding is an art. For everyone else, it’s a tool Computer Scientists code because they want to code. Everyone else codes because they want to get something done. An average developer will… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Facebook won’t force WhatsApp and Messenger integration on you, VP claims

In 2019, Mark Zuckerberg kicked off the project to merge Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs, and WhatsApp. Last year, the company started unifying Instagram and Messenger by allowing you to message contacts across both networks. But this is just the beginning of the work, and the final aim for the social network is to let you reach your friends across networks from any of the apps. I spoke to Loredana Crisan, VP of Messaging Experience at Facebook, about the company’s vision regarding messaging services in coming years.  She said that Facebook is taking a “Platform and service” approach for this. Meaning,… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Facebook from The Next Web

Think the fax machine is dead? Not in Japan

With Japan riding the crest of its postwar economic miracle, Sony chairman Akio Morita and Japan’s Minister of Transport Shintarō Ishihara unleashed a manifesto. The document, published in 1989, contained a prophecy that propelled it to domestic bestseller status, and into the concerned hands of officials at the CIA. At the time, the authors noted, the American and Soviet superpowers had become “dependent on the initiative of the Japanese people” in developing new technology, as exemplified by the country’s dominant production of semiconductor chips. For Morita and Ishihara, this signalled “the end of modernity developed by Caucasians” and the emergence… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

3 reasons why your team needs a sumo wrestler

I used to be a sumo wrestler in Japan. Yup, I’m not kidding. I lived in Tokyo, in a house with 30 of the strongest sumo wrestlers in the world. We did everything together: lived, trained, and ate. My time in the sumo house has taught me a lot. Not only how to become a good sumo wrestler — or how to gain 11 kilos in six weeks — but also the mindset to be successful in your professional career. I could write a whole book on why sumo wrestlers make amazing colleagues (which I actually did), but I’ll just… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Is the digital nomad dream dead?

Join Lauren Razavi onstage at TNW 2021 as she moderates a panel on ‘Hustle Culture and the Burnout Generation.’ As borders closed and remote work boomed, the rules of the game changed overnight. For digital nomads, this brought unexpected challenges – and new opportunities. Closed borders, national lockdowns, travel restrictions, fewer and more expensive flights. It sure seems like a bad time to be a digital nomad. Yet in the post-pandemic landscape that’s emerging, more people work remotely than ever before and mainstream interest in nomadic lifestyles is soaring. So, how did we get here–and what happens next? Early digital nomads The… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Microsoft CEO opens up about last year’s failed TikTok deal

Last year, companies like IBM, Oracle, and Walmart were vying to buy TikTok, after the Trump administration threatened to ban the short video app. However, the most prominent and likely firm to acquire the app was Microsoft. The company registered interest in TikTok for the first time in August 2020. But as we know, no deal was finalized. A year later, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has shed some light on what happened. Speaking at the Code Conference with Kara Swisher last night, the company head said that it was TikTok that came to Microsoft, and not the other way around:… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft from The Next Web

Microsoft’s free course teaches the non-tech skills you missed in school

It’s no secret the tech industry often doesn’t fully represent the people it attempts to serve. Tech companies can often be homogenous, and many of those who leave the industry can end up feeling excluded by workplace cultures that don’t feel inclusive. And yet, paradoxically, there are more spots open for technical jobs than there are people to fill them. It’s a clear sign the tech industry can do more to ensure the success of underrepresented groups. Microsoft‘s new Growth and Resilience in Tech Toolkit, a free 6-hour course available on Microsoft Learn, aims to do just that. I was… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft from The Next Web

Scientists want to ‘copy and paste’ the human brain onto a computer chip

Did you know Neural is taking the stage on Sept 30 and Oct 1? Together with an amazing line-up of experts, we will explore the future of AI during TNW Conference 2021. Secure your ticket now! Scientists from Samsung and Harvard University have unveiled a new approach to building smarter computer chips: “copying and pasting” the brain onto a memory network. They propose copying the brain’s neuronal wiring map by using a novel nanoelectrode array to record electrical signals produced by neurons. The extracted map would then be rapidly pasted onto a memory network. Per the study paper: The essence of… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Microsoft promises it hasn’t given up on Skype with big batch of updates

As Microsoft Teams exploded in popularity, I’d all but assumed Skype was dead. Heck Microsoft even built Teams right into Windows 11, aiming to make the collaboration software your go-to resource for calling friends and family as well as colleagues. The company has barely made a whisper about Skype in the past year or so. But apparently, Microsoft isn’t giving up on Skype just yet. In a blog post today, the company detailed myriad new features coming to the app, including a cleaner new design. In particular, the company focused on its call grid, allowing everyone to be visible with… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Microsoft from The Next Web

Instagram Kids put on ice after backlash from lawmakers and child safety groups

Instagram is pausing plans to build a kids’ version of the app after a fierce backlash from lawmakers, child safety groups, and parents. Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, announced the move in a blog post published Monday: While we stand by the need to develop this experience, we’ve decided to pause this project. This will give us time to work with parents, experts, policymakers and regulators, to listen to their concerns, and to demonstrate the value and importance of this project for younger teens online today. The mooted platform would have allowed children aged 10-12 to access a modified… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Instagram from The Next Web

Unsurprisingly, running Facebook groups to reduce stress leaves women more stressed

Would you share your most intimate thoughts with strangers? For many women, during the pandemic and associated lockdowns, closed Facebook groups have been a place to do just that. These groups offer a chance to escape the house virtually and spend time with like-minded souls, sometimes chatting, often venting, and seeking solidarity in virtual sisterhood. Mental health issues, chronic illness, domestic violence, children’s illnesses, and issues, divorce, death, infidelity: these are just some of the issues discussed in these groups, along with the more mundane minutiae of life. While women get friendship and advice from the groups, it’s at a… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Facebook from The Next Web

This anti-snoring device safely stops the nocturnal rumblings that keep everybody awake

TLDR: The Snore Circle Anti-Snoring Sleep Aid Muscle Stimulator uses vibrations to stop snoring dead in its tracks so you — and your partner — can have a better night’s sleep. The average person snores just over 2.5 times each night, covering a total of about 22 minutes.  It’s a little less for women, a little more for men, but truthfully, no one is immune from the effects of snoring. It may not seem like a big problem…that is, until your sleep or the sleep of a partner is impacted by it virtually every night. A lot of methods claim… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

Learn how to make money from your art via NFTs with this training bundle on sale

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are nebulous concepts. While there’s so much hype around them now, many are still confused as to what they really are and if they really hold any value. But here’s the brief, ELI5 version: an NFT is essentially a one-of-a-kind item that can’t be readily exchanged for another item within the same asset class. Even if the item is replicated, it will remain as that—a replica. An NFT can only belong to a single person or entity. Take the Charlie Bit My Finger video, for example. It’s been taken down after it was sold as a… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

How to separate your work and personal chats in Telegram

Welcome to TNW Basics, a collection of tips, guides, and advice on how to easily get the most out of your gadgets, apps, and other stuff. I use Slack for work and other messenger apps for personal conversations. However, I know a ton of friends who have to use WhatsApp or Telegram as their work communication tool as well. This could be really annoying and might make you miss important messages from friends too. Thankfully, Telegram has a feature called Folders that allows you to separate work and personal chats. Here’s how you can use it: Open the Telegram app on… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

When should you listen to investors? And when should you ignore them?

As a founder, you’re bombarded with tips and tricks on how to secure funding and woo potential investors… but what happens after that? What do you do with their advice? And what happens if you don’t agree with their suggestions? That’s why I called up Heini Zachariassen, Vivino’s opinionated and vocal founder, who’s got tons of experience listening to — and not listening to — his investors to shed some light on this awkward little dilemma. You’re the right person to lead the company For Zachariassen, the most important thing to remember is that you landed a financial backer based… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web

WhatsApp payments might soon earn you cash back

WhatsApp Pay is one of the few money-making options for the popular chat app, which doesn’t have any ads. And to make more people use its services, the company might be planning to offer cashback rewards. According to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is working on a cashback feature in a beta version of its Android app. The last November, the company launched WhatsApp Pay in India, after running it in the test mode for two years, due to regulatory hurdles. In the country, WhatsApp’s solution is based on the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) standard, which also is used by… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: WhatsApp from The Next Web

Become a full stack Java programmer with this top-to-bottom bootcamp learning package

TLDR: The Premium Java Programming Certification Bundle offers the skills to learn Java coding as well as ace interviews to land a Java programming job. If you really want to understand programming, there are few more proactive steps you can take in your journey from novice to expert than learning Java. Java has been around for over a quarter century, fueling more than 7.5 million developers as one of the core all-purpose coding languages for building websites, coding apps and more. While younger, flashier languages like Python may generate more buzz, Java is still in greater demand from those who… This story continues at The Next Web from The Next Web